Mental Health in the Workplace

How Companies Cope With Mental Health

One of the most common mental health issues within the workplace is chronic stress. This has consequences on not only the employers, but the workplace entirely, costing U.S. companies $300 billion yearly. The Behavioral Science and Policy Association states that stress leads to things such as job insecurity. Many companies are focusing on ways to implement approaches that will help with mental health and things such as stress. Tech company, Appster, takes this on by having a pet husky in the office who helps employees blow off stress and steam. Other companies are offering venting sessions or one-on-one attention, allowing employees to be open and talk about their stress as well as ways to manage it.

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Supporting Mental Health

In 2017, this tweet became so popular it was retweeted over 7,000 times and liked by 30k people. An employee had emailed her boss stating that she was taking two days of sick leave to focus on her mental health. Her boss, also the CEO of the company, responded in such a way that had people amazed at the response. Her boss responded by thanking her for her email, stating that it was so important to use sick leave for mental health as well, and that this should be a standard within the entire workforce. Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 11.39.27 AM




Teachers Facing Stress

According to a national survey, 61% of teachers say they are stress and 58% say their mental health is not well. Over the past couple of years, mental health has increased majorly in the workplace. In a survey of 5,000 teachers, over half responded with having “poor” mental health in their workplace. Due to the stress that teachers face, this is leading to negative consequences for their mental health and statistics are continuously jumping every year. Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 4.09.33 PM.png

Ways to Cope With Mental Health

Watch this video to learn about different ways to cope with mental health in the workplace. 

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