Improvements In Society

Canadian Employers Enforce Inclusion

Despite the discrimination that exists when it comes to hiring people with mental illness, some successful employers say that hiring people with many different perspectives is beneficial. A Canadian study investigated the financial and social effects of hiring people with mental illness and providing necessary accommodations.  As a result, they found that creating an inclusive work environment benefited not only the aspiring worker but the organization as a whole. Here’s what some people who participated had to say:

“As a social enterprise, we see creating accessible and sustainable employment as a beneficial end … investing in people who have barriers in the workforce results in loyal and dedicated staff, with less sick days and staff turnover. We have discovered that when you go above and beyond for your staff, they will in turn go above and beyond for you.”

– Owner, Small food services, consumer-run enterprise

“I disclosed my mental illness in my interview for this role, and advised of the pros and cons of it in the workplace.  Being so open at the get-go enabled me to start in this role with certain accommodations and supports including setting ideal working hours allowing for self-care and establishing appropriate boundaries to ensure I could operate at my best.  Being open also enabled me to help reduce stigma in my workplace and allowed me to become a valuable and empathetic resource for my staff.”

– Accommodated employee with lived experience, Large public-sector organization

Mental Health Education for Adolescence

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New York became the first state to require mental health education in public schools in 2016.  The state set an important precedent for the rest of the country– that teaching mental health in school is as important as physical education. National Alliance on Mental Illness is one organization committed to integrating mental health education into more schools.  Educating children about mental health at a younger age helps to disseminate stigma and teaches ways to monitor and care for personal mental wellness. Learn more about New York’s initiative here.

Celebrities Speak Up

In an attempt to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, many popular celebrities have spoken out about their own struggles.  Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson opened up about his depression on Oprah Winfrey’s Network.

Singer/Songwriter Demi Lovato is open about her Mental Health issues.  She has also donated her time and money to support those with Mental Illness.  She even holds mental health workshops for her fans to attend before shows.

Pop-Culture Coverage

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Influential mediums have become more aware and supportive of educating about mental health.  Glamour Magazine is just one example of a hip, fashion and lifestyle magazine dedicating a story to mental health awareness.  In this article, the author calls for change in how mental health is addressed at work.