Making A Change

Stigmas and discrimination against individuals with mental health illnesses began thousands of years ago. In ancient centuries and in the Middle Ages, mental illnesses were regarded as a religious punishment or being possessed, which frequently lead to torture and isolation. In recent years, individuals with mental health illnesses have experienced severely under-funded hospitals and potential abuse, in addition to the existence of asylums. Even though present-day attitudes are greatly different from those of the past, our society has a long way to go. The history of treatment of individuals with these illnesses has led to vast discrimination and negative attitudes in almost every factor of society. This leads to individuals feeling shamed so much that they do not wish to seek help. In fact, there are more people with mental illnesses in jails than in hospitals, even though they are more likely to be victims of violence. These individuals experience discrimination from law enforcement, in the workplace, those who practice medicine, and more. There are a lot of ways that we can make changes in our lives.


An effective change that we can make is in the language we use to talk about individuals and their conditions. The public’s perceptions of mental illness can be heavily tied to the language we use to describe these conditions and illnesses. Similarly to when you talk about any type of disability, the preferred language is always person-first, such as “he is a person with a disability” compared to “he is disabled.” This helps people understand that the person is not the disease. Additionally, taking initiative to educate ourselves and our loved ones about mental health illnesses can be crucial for many reasons. It helps address misunderstandings that prevent people from seeking help, navigating health services, and understanding how to care for individuals with mental health conditions.

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A good model of an initiative to follow in the United States is called Time To Change, which is based in the United Kingdom. They aim to transform how people think and act about mental health problems and open the discussion about this topic. They aim to achieve this in workplaces, communities, schools, social marketing, local businesses, and more. They encourage individuals to educate themselves and learn how they can help others. They share personal experiences and stories that people share so others know they are not alone. Their website also provides resources and ways to get involved. Overall, it is a great way to start a discussion about mental health and realize how important it is to talk about it.

Improvements In Society

Canadian Employers Enforce Inclusion

Despite the discrimination that exists when it comes to hiring people with mental illness, some successful employers say that hiring people with many different perspectives is beneficial. A Canadian study investigated the financial and social effects of hiring people with mental illness and providing necessary accommodations.  As a result, they found that creating an inclusive work environment benefited not only the aspiring worker but the organization as a whole. Here’s what some people who participated had to say:

“As a social enterprise, we see creating accessible and sustainable employment as a beneficial end … investing in people who have barriers in the workforce results in loyal and dedicated staff, with less sick days and staff turnover. We have discovered that when you go above and beyond for your staff, they will in turn go above and beyond for you.”

– Owner, Small food services, consumer-run enterprise

“I disclosed my mental illness in my interview for this role, and advised of the pros and cons of it in the workplace.  Being so open at the get-go enabled me to start in this role with certain accommodations and supports including setting ideal working hours allowing for self-care and establishing appropriate boundaries to ensure I could operate at my best.  Being open also enabled me to help reduce stigma in my workplace and allowed me to become a valuable and empathetic resource for my staff.”

– Accommodated employee with lived experience, Large public-sector organization

Mental Health Education for Adolescence

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New York became the first state to require mental health education in public schools in 2016.  The state set an important precedent for the rest of the country– that teaching mental health in school is as important as physical education. National Alliance on Mental Illness is one organization committed to integrating mental health education into more schools.  Educating children about mental health at a younger age helps to disseminate stigma and teaches ways to monitor and care for personal mental wellness. Learn more about New York’s initiative here.

Celebrities Speak Up

In an attempt to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, many popular celebrities have spoken out about their own struggles.  Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson opened up about his depression on Oprah Winfrey’s Network.

Singer/Songwriter Demi Lovato is open about her Mental Health issues.  She has also donated her time and money to support those with Mental Illness.  She even holds mental health workshops for her fans to attend before shows.

Pop-Culture Coverage

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Influential mediums have become more aware and supportive of educating about mental health.  Glamour Magazine is just one example of a hip, fashion and lifestyle magazine dedicating a story to mental health awareness.  In this article, the author calls for change in how mental health is addressed at work.


How Changes Have Been Made in the Mental Health Community

In the article “Mental Health Stigmas Are Shifting”, it states that the stigma mental health has had seems to be shifting in a positive direction. Results from a survey on mental health says 90% of Americans stated that they believe mental health and physical health are equally as important, and value both the same. There has been a lot of progress over the years on how people view mental health and realizing the importance it plays in people’s lives. This survey also shows that people ages 18-24 have become increasingly more comfortable when it comes to seeking medical attention and are viewing it as a sign of being strong as they are able to have the courage to do something about it.

Aside from the stigma shifting, there are also various positive things being done when it comes to mental health. NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is an association that advocates from support and services in schools. NAMI focuses on implementing programs by having trained mental health professionals come into schools and provide mental health care as well as provide different resources available for the children. Their goal is to provide assistance and support which would lessen the misperception that youths face when it comes to their mental health conditions. NAMI supports the Mental Health in Schools Act which provides federal funding to train and work with school staff on mental health and to create a more positive community when it comes to the mental health system.

There are many different organizations who are implementing the importance of mental health and why others should be educated as well as feeling comfortable enough to seek treatment. The MHA, Mental Health America, is an organization in which their goal is to have recovery for everyone, regardless of the mental health conditions people face. MHA fights to improve the system for those who face mental health conditions. They fight to ensure easy access to quality treatment, as well as reducing incarceration, homelessness, and discrimination. The MHA has and continues to focus on working toward a community in which mental health is prioritized and that those who face these problems feel encouraged enough to seek help towards a road to recovery.

Many people believe that there is discrimination and a stigma when it comes to mental health. However, many don’t realize the growth that has occurred when it comes to mental health awareness. There are constant shifts in the mental health community as well as programs and organizations that solely focus on improving services and support for anyone who struggles with mental health. People have come a long way with mental health and it continues to positively increase as other’s continue to be educated on mental health and the role it plays in someone’s everyday life.  


How Professionals Handle Mental Health

The Trump Administration

U.S. President Trump sits for Reuters interview in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington

Throughout history, medicine and psychiatry have interacted in various types of ways. Psychiatrists who worked with Nazis often prescribed and suggested extremely unethical means of “treating” people. Even though these means were very unethical, psychiatry and medicine was controlled by the state. Today in the United States, Trump approaches mental health in two ways: “his compromised relationship with reality and and his attack mode in response to crisis or criticism.” While this is an opinion of the author, many professionals think that because there have been public attacks on Trump’s mental health have skewed the way he approaches the issue. Instead of giving it thorough attention, he allows his policy decisions to be decided by how he reacts to public opinion.

Puerto Rico 


In 2017, Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico causing a record amount of damage. During this time, 236 suicides were reported by the Commission for Suicide for Prevention, a 55% increase from the year before. A record number in the country are reporting feelings of anxiety and depression, which goes largely unnoticed. These individuals, along with others with pre-existing conditions, are finding little help and their conditions are going untreated. The combination of mental illness, extreme trauma, and poverty can lead to dangerous results. These conditions are going ignored by the government, which is costing the public their lives.


National Basketball Association


A profession that would not necessarily be traditionally related to mental health is professional sports. The health focus in this field is always the physical health of the players is always the true focus. There has not been a large focus on the psychological and mental health of players. In November of 2017, a player in the National Basketball Association, Kevin Love,  made a public statement about how he had a panic attack in the middle of a game. Since the issue of mental health took a back seat to the actual sport, the player’s profession was affected because his organization failed to address the member’s mental health needs.

New York State Mental Health Education

Starting this summer, the state of New York will be the first in the country to begin requiring mental health education in grades kindergarten through 12. Mental health is something that has long been ignored by schools throughout the country, leaving many children at a disadvantage that can affect them during their entire life. This new educational program will help children identify the symptoms of mental health conditions in themselves and also in people they know.